InFlight BL Loading Single Lane Backlogged Product - Automatic Infeed Solutions

The InFlight BL is an economical feeder that delivers precise, continuous motion loading of a single lane of backlogged or non-backlogged products or trays into the receiving flights of a horizontal wrapper or cartoner at speeds up to 300 ppm. The InFlight BL loader is designed to minimize maintenance and sanitation time with key components easily accessible. This system automatically starts and stops the horizontal wrapper based on upstream low back pressure conveyor signals, ensuring superior performance and reliability.

Our InFlight BL loader is suitable for a range of products, including baked goods, bars, cookies, crackers, and frozen foods. It features automatic slug loading for thin, consistently-shaped products and versatile tray loaders for various tray sizes, ensuring high-speed operations. Custom automatic infeeds are tailored to specific product specifications, enhancing productivity.

Additionally, the system offers various conveyor options, such as belt and chain conveyors, including vibratory and inverting options. Ergonomical stepped packing table conveyors are also available, providing comprehensive turnkey distribution systems for various industries. Contact us to learn more.